Find Out How BlocPower Helps Home and Business Owners Make Smarter, Greener and Healthier Electrification Upgrades
Home heating and cooling projects can be complex and feel overwhelming. So, if you’re thinking of replacing your gas stove, furnace, water heater or boiler for electric, you need all the help and information you can get your hands on.
This month’s meeting features a Roopak Kandasamy, General Manager of BlocPower, a one-stop-shop green building resource that simplifies the electrification process for homes and businesses.
Roopak will talk with us about BlocPower’s work here in the Bay Area and how we can take advantage of their programs to electrify our own homes, churches, and other buildings. He’ll share what working with BlocPower is like, what services they provide to home and building owners and what we can expect to see from them in the future.
Monday, May 22nd, starting at 6:00 pm
Meeting ID: 895 4577 3969
Passcode: 460096
+1 699 900 9128 US (San Jose)